EMKO Koutelas S.A. | Imports - Catering Equipment

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Modular Professional S.r.l

Φριτέζα ηλεκτ. 2x21L 40kW περιστρ. αντιστ. σε βάση με 2 πόρτες R90/80FRER/2V21/P ROC900
Save 25%
6.304,00 4.728,00 5.862,72 inc tax
Basket for electric fryer, 8L (130x310x120 mm) MO01991601005 ROC700-ROC900
Save 10%
97,00 87,00 107,88 inc tax
Electric fryer, 2 wells 13+13L R90/80FRER/2V13/P ROC900
Save 25%
5.684,00 4.263,00 5.286,12 inc tax
Gas fryer, 2 wells 13+13L R70/80FRGV/2V13/P ROC700
Save 25%
4.770,00 3.578,00 4.436,72 inc tax
Gas fryer, 2 wells 17+17L R70/80FRGL/2V17/P ROC700
Save 25%
6.567,00 4.925,00 6.107,00 inc tax
Gas range pressed worktop, 2 burners, on open cabinet R70/40PCG/A ROC700
Save 25%
1.798,00 1.349,00 1.672,76 inc tax
Save 25%
9.022,00 6.767,00 8.391,08 inc tax
Ανατρεπόμενο τηγάνι αερίου 120L αυτόματο AISI 304 R90/120BRG/120Χ/Μ ROC900
Save 25%
10.983,00 8.237,00 10.213,88 inc tax
Save 25%
11.156,00 8.367,00 10.375,08 inc tax
Ανατρεπόμενο τηγάνι αερίου 60L χειροκίνητο AISI 304 R70/80BRG/60Χ/S ROC700
Save 25%
6.258,00 4.694,00 5.820,56 inc tax
Βραστήρας ηλεκτρικός 150L έμμεσης θέρμανσης 21,3kW R90/80PEI/150 ROC900
Save 25%
8.597,00 6.448,00 7.995,52 inc tax
Ανατρεπόμενο τηγάνι ηλεκτρικό 60L αυτόματο AISI 304 R70/80BRE/60Χ/Μ ROC700
Save 25%
7.658,00 5.744,00 7.122,56 inc tax
Modular Professional S.r.l

MODULAR: Cooking equipment for making extraordinary dishes.

MODULAR specializes in the design and manufacture of cooking systems for the professional kitchen. Modular, robust and reliable elements, designed to offer maximum performance for the timeless kitchen. Suitable for bars, bistrots, food trucks, restaurants, B&B's, hotels, canteens and cooking centers.

The Ranges

Fun 600/ 650/ 700: Small spaces with great performance
A wide range of Modular cooking appliances. Infinite combinations allow for installations to meet your needs, even in small rooms, enhancing the space with a compact and high-performance cooking area.

Roc 700/ 900/ 1100: Performance for total satisfaction
Through the right blend of knowledge, skill and cooking technology, a chef is able to turn their ideas into reality. Modular, robust and reliable elements, designed to offer maximum performance for the timeless kitchen.

Cooking island: A kitchen island for creativity and effieciency.
The Modular Roc kitchen islands are the focal point of the kitchen. Made with a solid single top, they can be custoimised to offer a wide range of solutions.
Product line
Energy supply
Price range